Introduction to Victory Life Church and School, Lake Chivero, Zimbabwe

Located near the serene shores of Lake Chivero in Zimbabwe, about 40kms outside of Harare, Victory Life Church and School serves as a beacon of hope for a community that faces significant challenges. Rooted in the biblical mandate of Isaiah 61, our mission is to bring renewal and opportunity to the children and families of this area. We believe in the transformative power of education, faith, and community support to uplift not just individual children but entire families and generations.

The Role of a Godparent

In our community, being a Godparent is more than just a title—it is a sacred commitment. As a Godparent, you become a lifeline of support, love, prayer, and encouragement for a child who may otherwise have limited opportunities. Your monthly commitment of £20 provides the essential resources—education, uniforms, school supplies, and daily meals—that these children need to thrive.

But your impact goes beyond financial support. By becoming a Godparent, you are answering the call of Isaiah 61.  You are empowering a child to break free from the cycle of poverty and to pursue a future filled with hope and purpose. This relationship is one of deep significance, as you partner with us to nurture the spiritual, emotional, and educational growth of a child.

A Community Transformed

The ripple effects of your commitment are profound. In a community where economic hardships and limited access to quality education are daily realities, your role as a Godparent can change the trajectory of a child’s life. An educated child becomes a catalyst for change within their family and community, helping to break the cycle of poverty for future generations. At Victory Life Church and School, we are witnessing this transformation firsthand, as we foster hope, unity, and resilience.

Your commitment also extends beyond the classroom. It helps Victory Life Church run vital community programs that address health, nutrition, and spiritual development, creating a holistic support system that strengthens both the children and their families.  


Answer the Call: Become a Godparent

Every child has the potential to achieve greatness, but without the right opportunities, that potential can remain unrealized. By becoming a Godparent to a child at Victory Life School, you are not just providing financial support—you are offering the gift of hope, love, and the promise of a brighter future.

Your £20 a month might seem like a small contribution, but to our children, it represents the chance to rise above their circumstances and to live a life of joy and purpose. It is a powerful act of faith that helps to bring the vision of Isaiah 61 to life in the hearts and lives of those who need it most. Join us in this mission to change lives, uplift families, and transform an entire community.

Victory Life school is full of children who have known more hardship in their young lives, than many of us could imagine. So many of the children in the community are left to fend for

themselves in a world that seems indifferent to their struggles.

The school is designed to be a family, centred around the love and care of Jesus, where

children are seen not as a burden, but as a precious child of God, deserving of love and

opportunity.  We want our children to discover their God given talents, passions and dreams – to move into the light of the freedom of God’s love.